Browse mineral resources


Fort Meade Mine Mobil

Hooke* Prairie Mine


Silver City

Silver City Mine

Kingsford Mine (Imc-Agrico)

Ridgewood Mine

Noralyn/Phosphoria Mines

Clear Springs Mine

Haynesworth Mine

Hookers Prairie Mine

Nichols Mine

Payne Creek-Palmetto Mine

Rockland Mine

Saddle Creek-Ebersbach Mine

Watson Mine

Fort Meade Mine Gardinier

Kingsford Mine

Pierce Drying Plant

Davenport Sand and Gravel Pit

Bonny Lake Mine


Unnamed Diatomite Prospect

Unnamed Diatomite Deposit

Debris Deposits

Saddle Creek - Ebersbach

Clear Springs

Watson Mine

New Wales Imc

Polk County Mine

South Fort Meade Mine

Loughman Mine

Little Payne Creek

Polk County Mine

Bartow Ussac

Polk City Mine

Ridgewood Mill

Standard Mine

Payne Creek

Poseidon #1 Mine

Kathleen Mine

Nichols Imc-Agrico

Mulberry Gulf-Atlantic

No. 2 Mine

Bartow Cf

Hookers Prairie Mine

Unnamed Diatomite Prospect

Palmetto Mill


Ft. Meade Uss Ari-Chemicals Corp


Bartow Minerals Corp Mill

Nichols Mill

South Pierce Wet Rock Process Mill

Unnamed Diatomite Prosect

C Tower Mine

Bartow Mill

Independent Mine

Wright Pit

Pierce Farmland/Hydro

Ft. Meade Ussac

Fort Green Mine

Polk City Clay Pit


Stuart Tract

Saddle Creek (The Williams Co.)

Rockland Mine (Us Agri-Chem)

Polk County

Payne Creek (Imc-Agrico)


Noralyn (Imc-Agrico)

Haynesworth Mine (Imc-Agrico) (Amer. Cyanamid)

Fort Meade Mine (Gardinier) (Cargill Fert.)

Clear Springs (Imc-Agrico)

Bonny Lake Mine (Seminole Fert.)

Virginia Street Plant

Hanton Quarry

Cristina Reserve

Devane Mine

Unnamed Diatomite Deposit

Bartow Cargill 2

Silver City

Mulberry Limestone Drying Mill

Bartow Cargill

Phosphate Center/ Bartow, Fla.

Rockland Mine

Tenoroc Mine

A Tower Mine

Kingsford Mine

Unnamed Diatomite Prospect

Haines City Mine

No. 2 Mine

Nichols Mine

Saddle Creek Tailings Dam, Hydro

Unnamed Diatomite Deposit

Unnamed Diatomite Deposit

Polk City Mine


Lake Wales Sand and Gravel Pit

Fort Meade Mine - Cargill

Pierce Imc-Agrico

Sandland Pit

Unnamed Diatomate Prospect

Oak Ridge Mine


Csr Rinker - Lake Wales

Csr Rinker - Davenport

Csr Rinker - Joshua

Csr Rinker - Gator

Imc Agrico - Pebbledale

Imc Agrico - New Wales

Early Davis - Davis Mine

Piper Land Clearing, Inc. - Piper Mine

Irby Oaks Fill and Clay - Oaks Mine

Cargill Firtilizer - South Ft. Meade

Sunshine Peat - Sunshine Mine

Scanamerican Holdings - Green Valley Clay Mine

Scanamerican Holdings - Green Valley Soil Mine

Little Wheels, Inc. - Wellman-Lord Trust Mine

Florida Mining and Ma*s - Van Fleet Mine

Florida Rock Industries, Inc. - Sandland Mine

Florida Rock Industries, Inc. - Tower Sand Mine

Imc Fertilizer, Inc. - Morrell Limerock Mine

Florida Mining and Ma*s - Devane Mine

Dot Bartow Office - I-4 Mine

Anchor Investment - Fair-Anchor Mine

Green Leaf Products - Dundee Peat

Vulcan-Ica - Polk Sand Mine

Florida Mining and Ma*. - Devane Mine

E.R. Jahna Industries - Independent Diamond

Standard Sand and Silica - Polk City Mine

Florida Rock Industries - Sandland Mine

Standard Sand and Silica - Joshua Mine

Standard Sand and Silica - Lake Wales Mine

Gall Silica Mining Co. - Sr 60 Mine

Standard Sand and Silica - Davenport Mine

Florida Mining and Ma*. - Van Fleet Mine

Florida Rock Industries - Sr 17a Pit

E.R. Jahna Industries - Loughman Mine

E.R. Jahna Industries - Haines City Mine

Ow* Nest - Woodley Clay Pit

Reliable Peat - Lake Trask

Ged Mining - Tice Pit

Macasphalt - Auburndale

Imc Agrico - Payne Creek

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